Basel, Switzerland +41 61 563 11 55

Prolog is a studio for digital design and web technology in Basel.

Together we rethink online services and develop contemporary software.

Form follows content follows user experience

What We Do

Work Out Strategies

Consulting, Research, Ideation, User Journey, Innovation Workshops, SEO Optimization, Project Management

Create Experiences

UX/UI Design, Information Architecture, Service Design, Online Branding, Design Systems

Develop Products

Front- and Backend-Development, Prototyping, MVPs, Web- & Mobile-Applikationen, E-Commerce

Impart Knowledge

Digital Coaching, Talks, Teaching, E-Learning

Our Work

  • LiveSurface

    The completely revised app

    Client: LiveSurface
    Services: UX, Information Architecture, Development

    LiveSurface has been a popular tool since 2013 for testing and presenting designs in real-life scenarios. In the summer of 2023, the LiveSurface team released a completely redesigned version of the app. To reintroduce the product, we implemented the product page with an online store.

  • Digitale Demokratie

    An interactive chat as museum guide

    Client: Polit-Forum Bern
    Team: Prolog, Studio Riccardo Lardi, Alena Stählin, Andrina Casutt, Rebekka Ammann
    Services: Ideation, Prototyping, UX, App-Development

    We were commissioned with an exciting task to develop a museum guide for the exhibition “Digital Democracy - An Interactive Journey into the Political Future” at the Polit-Forum Bern. We crafted the digital guide as an “interactive chat,” where a virtual character accompanies visitors with text and voice messages, conveying the exhibition's content.

  • Christoph Merian Stiftung

    Digital strategy and a new foundation website

    Client: Christoph Merian Stiftung
    Team: Prolog, Studio Riccardo Lardi, BKVK
    Services: Strategy, Project Management, Development

    Since 2020, we have been supporting the Christoph Merian Stiftung in realigning their digital strategy, optimizing the website’s information architecture, digitizing the grant application process, and developing the new foundation website as well as the digital version of the foundation magazine “Radar.”

  • Industrienacht Basel

    A comprehensive event page

    Client: dasmgmt
    Team: Prolog, Lorenz Peter, dasmgmt, Manuel Bürkli
    Services: Information architecture, UX, development

    The Industry Night Regio Basel promises to be an inspiring night, with over 40 companies from various industries providing fascinating insights into their operations and work cultures. We had the privilege of developing a comprehensive and feature-rich website for the event together with dasmgmt, the initiators of this major event.

  • iart

    A refreshed brand and a new portfolio-page

    Client: iart AG
    Team: Prolog, Tristesse
    Services: Branding, UX, Information Architecture, Development

    The renowned Basel company iart approached us with a request to revise its branding and develop a new website. In collaboration with the iart team, we developed an innovative website that reflects the uniqueness and creativity of the company. The tailor-made new appearance presents the wide range of services and projects of iart.

  • Kunsttage Basel

    3 days of art in over 60 places

    Client: Verein Kunsttage Basel
    Team: Prolog, dasmgmt, Tristesse, Alena Stählin
    Services: Information Architecture, UX, Development

    After the cancellation of Art Basel in 2020, museums and galleries joined forces to offer an alternative art event in Basel. Following three successful editions in 2020, 2021, and 2022, the event has become established in Basel, and we had the privilege to create a new and optimized website for the Art Event.

  • Catapult

    A new funding platform for young people

    Client: Catapult
    Team: Prolog, Tristesse
    Services: Strategy, Information Architecture, UX, Development

    The platform Catapult was launched in 2022 to promote projects by young individuals specifically. We provide the young team behind Catapult with advisory support regarding their digital strategy and have developed their website and grant management software.

  • Future City Stuff

    Figure out where you want to live in the future

    Client: kühne wicki
    Team: Prolog, Pia Hönger
    Services: Ideation, project management, UX, design, app development

    For the future research studio kühne wicki, we designed and developed the questionnaire “Future City”. It's a fun web app that helps you discover your future city. Simply answer a few questions about your preferences and lifestyle, and the app will match you with a city that suits you best.

  • HEK

    The new museum website

    Client: Haus der Elektronische Künste
    Team: Prolog, Studio Riccardo Lardi, Manuel Bürger
    Services: Strategy, Information Architecture, UX, Development

    We had the pleasure of developing the website for the prestigious Museum HEK (House of Electronic Arts) in Basel. Leveraging our expertise and passion for electronic art, we created a dynamic and innovative website that showcases HEK as a leading institution for electronic arts.

  • Burgunder

    Relaunch Online Shop

    Client: Burgunder
    Services: Strategy, Project Management, UX, Design, E-Commerce Development

    Burgunder is a basel-based and environmentally conscience label that produces outdoor gear. Everything is designed and produced in Basel, Switzerland. Only materials of exceptional quality and origin are used in the processing of the products. We designed and developed their shop experience.

  • Musik Basel

    News from the Basel Music Scene

    Client: Kanton Basel-Stadt
    Team: Prolog, Tristesse, dasmgmt
    Services: UX/UI, Development

    In collaboration with dasmgmt, we have created a new platform for the Department of Culture of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, focusing on the music scene in the Basel area. This digital platform provides an up-to-date overview of music-related news from the region and lists all major musical events as well as the key venues.

What Differentiates Us

We are a team of tech-savvy designers and design-oriented software developers, not a classic IT company.

The technology behind our projects is just as important to us as the visual concept, which is why design and programming go hand in hand for us.

We put the end user at the center of our work. We think economically to find long-term and effective solutions.

To do this, we go into depth: we listen, ask questions and conduct research - always content-driven and goal-oriented.

Our Attitude

Prolog is an inclusive and transparent company. We don’t sell anything we don’t think is useful.

The internet is full of confusing user interfaces. We firmly believe that digital products should be accessible and feel natural.

Technology can solve problems but also cause harm. We are aware of our responsibility and only commit to projects that align with our beliefs.

For projects in the areas of refugee aid and climate protection, we offer our services at a reduced daily rate.

Our Clients